SQL and R compared

sql training
data manipulation

Bongani Ncube


3 February 2024

Comparing R and SQL

Loading data

The Notebook is divided into tabbed sections as seen below.

loading data in R

sales<-tribble(~ year , ~country , ~product    , ~profit ,~Own ,~Time,
                 2000 , "Finland", "Computer"  ,   1500  ,"Y"  ,"D",
                 2000 , "Finland" ,"Phone"      ,   100   ,"Y"  ,"D",
                 2001 , "Finland" ,"Phone"      ,     10  ,"N"  ,"D",
                 2000 , "India"   ,"Calculator" ,     75  ,"Y"  ,"E",
                 2000 , "India"   ,"Calculator" ,     75  ,"N"  ,"E",
                 2000 , "India"   ,"Computer"   ,   1200  ,"N"  ,"E",
                 2000 , "USA"     , "Calculator",     75  ,"Y"  ,"E",
                 2000 , "USA"     , "Computer"  ,   1500  ,"N"  ,"E",
                 2001 , "USA"     ,"Calculator" ,     50  ,"Y"  ,"E",
                 2001 , "USA"     ,"Computer"   ,   1500  ,"Y"  ,"E",
                 2001 , "USA"     ,"Computer"   ,   1200  ,"Y"  ,"D",
                 2001 , "USA"     , "TV"        ,    150  ,"Y"  ,"D",
                 2001 , "USA"     , "TV"        ,    100  ,"Y"  ,"D")
#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#>  2  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#>  3  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D    
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  5  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#>  6  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#>  7  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  8  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#>  9  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E    
#> 11  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#> 12  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#> 13  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D

loading data in SQL

                     year INT,
                     country VARCHAR(50),
                     product VARCHAR(50),
                     profit DECIMAL(10,2)
INSERT INTO profits VALUES (1,2000 , "Finland", "Computer"  ,   1500 ),
                 (2,2000 , "Finland" ,"Phone"      ,   100 ),
                 (3,2001 , "Finland" ,"Phone"      ,     10),  
                 (4,2000 , "India"   ,"Calculator" ,     75),
                 (5,2000 , "India"   ,"Calculator" ,     75),
                 (6,2000 , "India"   ,"Computer"   ,   1200),
                 (7,2000 , "USA"     , "Calculator",     75),
                 (8,2000 , "USA"     , "Computer"  ,   1500),
                 (9,2001 , "USA"     ,"Calculator" ,     50),
                 (10,2001 , "USA"     ,"Computer"   ,   1500),
                 (11,2001 , "USA"     ,"Computer"   ,   1200),
                 (12,2001 , "USA"     , "TV"        ,    150),
                 (13,2001 , "USA"     , "TV"        ,    100);

#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#>  2  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#>  3  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D    
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  5  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#>  6  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#>  7  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  8  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#>  9  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E    
#> 11  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#> 12  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#> 13  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D

Selecting columns

selecting columns in R

sales |> select(everything())
#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#>  2  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#>  3  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D    
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  5  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#>  6  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#>  7  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  8  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#>  9  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E    
#> 11  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#> 12  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#> 13  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D

selecting all columns in SQL

FROM sales;
Displaying records 1 - 10
year country product profit Own Time
2000 Finland Computer 1500 Y D
2000 Finland Phone 100 Y D
2001 Finland Phone 10 N D
2000 India Calculator 75 Y E
2000 India Calculator 75 N E
2000 India Computer 1200 N E
2000 USA Calculator 75 Y E
2000 USA Computer 1500 N E
2001 USA Calculator 50 Y E
2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E

Select a subset of columns

selecting subset columns in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 13 × 3
#>     year country product   
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer  
#>  2  2000 Finland Phone     
#>  3  2001 Finland Phone     
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator
#>  5  2000 India   Calculator
#>  6  2000 India   Computer  
#>  7  2000 USA     Calculator
#>  8  2000 USA     Computer  
#>  9  2001 USA     Calculator
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer  
#> 11  2001 USA     Computer  
#> 12  2001 USA     TV        
#> 13  2001 USA     TV

selecting subset columns in SQL

SELECT year,country,product 
FROM sales;
Displaying records 1 - 10
year country product
2000 Finland Computer
2000 Finland Phone
2001 Finland Phone
2000 India Calculator
2000 India Calculator
2000 India Computer
2000 USA Calculator
2000 USA Computer
2001 USA Calculator
2001 USA Computer

filtering data

Filtering data in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 5 × 6
#>    year country product  profit Own   Time 
#>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1  2000 Finland Computer   1500 Y     D    
#> 2  2000 India   Computer   1200 N     E    
#> 3  2000 USA     Computer   1500 N     E    
#> 4  2001 USA     Computer   1500 Y     E    
#> 5  2001 USA     Computer   1200 Y     D

Filtering data in SQL

FROM sales
WHERE product='Computer';
5 records
year country product profit Own Time
2000 Finland Computer 1500 Y D
2000 India Computer 1200 N E
2000 USA Computer 1500 N E
2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E
2001 USA Computer 1200 Y D

filtering with AND

Filtering data in R

sales |> 
  filter(product=="Computer" & year=="2001")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>    year country product  profit Own   Time 
#>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1  2001 USA     Computer   1500 Y     E    
#> 2  2001 USA     Computer   1200 Y     D

Filtering data in SQL

FROM sales
WHERE product='Computer' AND year='2001';
2 records
year country product profit Own Time
2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E
2001 USA Computer 1200 Y D

filtering with OR

Filtering data in R

sales |> 
  filter(product=="Computer"| country=="USA")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 6
#>    year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#> 2  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#> 3  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#> 4  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#> 5  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 6  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E    
#> 7  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#> 8  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#> 9  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D

Filtering data in SQL

FROM sales
WHERE product='Computer' OR country='USA';
9 records
year country product profit Own Time
2000 Finland Computer 1500 Y D
2000 India Computer 1200 N E
2000 USA Calculator 75 Y E
2000 USA Computer 1500 N E
2001 USA Calculator 50 Y E
2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E
2001 USA Computer 1200 Y D
2001 USA TV 150 Y D
2001 USA TV 100 Y D

filtering with BETWEEN

Filtering data in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 6
#>    year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#> 1  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#> 2  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D    
#> 3  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#> 4  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#> 5  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#> 6  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 7  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D

Filtering data in SQL

FROM sales
WHERE profit BETWEEN 0 AND 100;
7 records
year country product profit Own Time
2000 Finland Phone 100 Y D
2001 Finland Phone 10 N D
2000 India Calculator 75 Y E
2000 India Calculator 75 N E
2000 USA Calculator 75 Y E
2001 USA Calculator 50 Y E
2001 USA TV 100 Y D

Arranging data

Arranging data in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D    
#>  2  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#>  3  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#>  5  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#>  6  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#>  7  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D    
#>  8  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#>  9  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#> 11  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#> 12  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#> 13  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E

Arranging data in SQL

FROM sales
ORDER BY profit;
Displaying records 1 - 10
year country product profit Own Time
2001 Finland Phone 10 N D
2001 USA Calculator 50 Y E
2000 India Calculator 75 Y E
2000 India Calculator 75 N E
2000 USA Calculator 75 Y E
2000 Finland Phone 100 Y D
2001 USA TV 100 Y D
2001 USA TV 150 Y D
2000 India Computer 1200 N E
2001 USA Computer 1200 Y D

Arranging data in DESC order

arranging data in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer     1500 Y     D    
#>  2  2000 USA     Computer     1500 N     E    
#>  3  2001 USA     Computer     1500 Y     E    
#>  4  2000 India   Computer     1200 N     E    
#>  5  2001 USA     Computer     1200 Y     D    
#>  6  2001 USA     TV            150 Y     D    
#>  7  2000 Finland Phone         100 Y     D    
#>  8  2001 USA     TV            100 Y     D    
#>  9  2000 India   Calculator     75 Y     E    
#> 10  2000 India   Calculator     75 N     E    
#> 11  2000 USA     Calculator     75 Y     E    
#> 12  2001 USA     Calculator     50 Y     E    
#> 13  2001 Finland Phone          10 N     D

arranging data in SQL

FROM sales
Displaying records 1 - 10
year country product profit Own Time
2000 Finland Computer 1500 Y D
2000 USA Computer 1500 N E
2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E
2000 India Computer 1200 N E
2001 USA Computer 1200 Y D
2001 USA TV 150 Y D
2000 Finland Phone 100 Y D
2001 USA TV 100 Y D
2000 India Calculator 75 Y E
2000 India Calculator 75 N E

Mutating new columns

Mutating new columns in R

sales |> 
#> # A tibble: 13 × 6
#>     year country product    profit Own   Time 
#>    <dbl> <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr> <chr>
#>  1  2000 Finland Computer    1.5   Y     D    
#>  2  2000 Finland Phone       0.1   Y     D    
#>  3  2001 Finland Phone       0.01  N     D    
#>  4  2000 India   Calculator  0.075 Y     E    
#>  5  2000 India   Calculator  0.075 N     E    
#>  6  2000 India   Computer    1.2   N     E    
#>  7  2000 USA     Calculator  0.075 Y     E    
#>  8  2000 USA     Computer    1.5   N     E    
#>  9  2001 USA     Calculator  0.05  Y     E    
#> 10  2001 USA     Computer    1.5   Y     E    
#> 11  2001 USA     Computer    1.2   Y     D    
#> 12  2001 USA     TV          0.15  Y     D    
#> 13  2001 USA     TV          0.1   Y     D

Mutating new columns in SQL

SELECT profit/1000 AS profit,*
FROM sales;
Displaying records 1 - 10
profit year country product profit Own Time
1.500 2000 Finland Computer 1500 Y D
0.100 2000 Finland Phone 100 Y D
0.010 2001 Finland Phone 10 N D
0.075 2000 India Calculator 75 Y E
0.075 2000 India Calculator 75 N E
1.200 2000 India Computer 1200 N E
0.075 2000 USA Calculator 75 Y E
1.500 2000 USA Computer 1500 N E
0.050 2001 USA Calculator 50 Y E
1.500 2001 USA Computer 1500 Y E

Summarizing data

Summarizing data in R

sales |> 
            count = n())
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   mean_profit count
#>         <dbl> <int>
#> 1        580.    13

Summarizing data in SQL

SELECT AVG(profit) AS mean_profit,
       COUNT(*) AS count
FROM sales;
1 records
mean_profit count
579.6154 13

Grouping and Summarizing data

Grouping and Summarizing data in R

sales |> 
  group_by(year) |> 
            count = n())
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>    year mean_profit count
#>   <dbl>       <dbl> <int>
#> 1  2000        646.     7
#> 2  2001        502.     6

Grouping and Summarizing data in SQL

SELECT year,
       AVG(profit) AS mean_profit,
       COUNT(*) AS count
FROM sales
GROUP BY year;
2 records
year mean_profit count
2000 646.4286 7
2001 501.6667 6

data for joins

generally the following step show how a join is done in SQL

  • SELECT t1.comon_column1,t1.common_column2,
  • FROM table1 AS t1
  • <type> JOIN table2 AS t2
  • ON t1.common_unique_column = t2.common_unique_column;

data for joins in R

#>        A B C
#> 1    red 2 3
#> 2 orange 4 6
#> 3 yellow 8 9
#> 4  green 0 0
#> 5 indigo 3 3
#> 6   blue 1 1
#> 7 purple 5 5
#> 8  white 8 2
#>        A D
#> 1    red 3
#> 2 orange 5
#> 3 yellow 7
#> 4  green 1
#> 5 indigo 3
#> 6   blue 6
#> 7   pink 9

data for joins in SQL

FROM join_df1;
8 records
red 2 3
orange 4 6
yellow 8 9
green 0 0
indigo 3 3
blue 1 1
purple 5 5
white 8 2
FROM join_df2;
7 records
red 3
orange 5
yellow 7
green 1
indigo 3
blue 6
pink 9

inner join

inner join in R

join_df1 |> 
  inner_join(join_df2, by = "A")
#>        A B C D
#> 1    red 2 3 3
#> 2 orange 4 6 5
#> 3 yellow 8 9 7
#> 4  green 0 0 1
#> 5 indigo 3 3 3
#> 6   blue 1 1 6

inner join in SQL

FROM join_df1 AS j1
INNER JOIN join_df2 AS j2
ON j1.A=j2.A;
6 records
red 2 3 red 3
orange 4 6 orange 5
yellow 8 9 yellow 7
green 0 0 green 1
indigo 3 3 indigo 3
blue 1 1 blue 6

left join

left join in R

join_df1 |> 
left_join(join_df2, by = "A")
#>        A B C  D
#> 1    red 2 3  3
#> 2 orange 4 6  5
#> 3 yellow 8 9  7
#> 4  green 0 0  1
#> 5 indigo 3 3  3
#> 6   blue 1 1  6
#> 7 purple 5 5 NA
#> 8  white 8 2 NA

left join in SQL

FROM join_df1 AS j1
LEFT JOIN join_df2 AS j2
ON j1.A=j2.A
8 records
red 2 3 3
orange 4 6 5
yellow 8 9 7
green 0 0 1
indigo 3 3 3
blue 1 1 6
purple 5 5 NA
white 8 2 NA

Right join

Right join in R

join_df1 |> 
right_join(join_df2, by = "A")
#>        A  B  C D
#> 1    red  2  3 3
#> 2 orange  4  6 5
#> 3 yellow  8  9 7
#> 4  green  0  0 1
#> 5 indigo  3  3 3
#> 6   blue  1  1 6
#> 7   pink NA NA 9

Right join in SQL

FROM join_df1 AS j1
RIGHT JOIN join_df2 AS j2
ON j1.A=j2.A
7 records
red 2 3 3
orange 4 6 5
yellow 8 9 7
green 0 0 1
indigo 3 3 3
blue 1 1 6
pink NA NA 9

Full join

full join in R

join_df1 |> 
full_join(join_df2, by = "A")
#>        A  B  C  D
#> 1    red  2  3  3
#> 2 orange  4  6  5
#> 3 yellow  8  9  7
#> 4  green  0  0  1
#> 5 indigo  3  3  3
#> 6   blue  1  1  6
#> 7 purple  5  5 NA
#> 8  white  8  2 NA
#> 9   pink NA NA  9

full join in SQL

FROM join_df1 AS j1
FULL JOIN join_df2 AS j2
ON j1.A=j2.A
9 records
red 2 3 3
orange 4 6 5
yellow 8 9 7
green 0 0 1
indigo 3 3 3
blue 1 1 6
purple 5 5 NA
white 8 2 NA