Common Operations In Data Analytics

Comparing R ,SQL ,Powerbi and EXCEL


Bongani Ncube


30 May 2024

Today’s data

# A tibble: 4 × 5
  Name                     sex     age height weight
  <chr>                    <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 A Dijiang                M        24    180     80
2 A Lamusi                 M        23    170     60
3 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F        21    185     82
4 Per Knut Aaland          M        31    188     75


1. SUM

The SUM() formula performs addition on selected cells. It works on cells containing numerical values and requires two or more cells.

In our case, we will be applying the SUM formula to a range of cells from C2 to C5 and storing the result on C6. It will add 24, 23, 21, and 31. You can also apply this formula to multiple columns.


The MIN() formula requires a range of cells, and it returns the minimum value. For example, we want to display the minimum weight among all athletes on the E6 cell. The MIN formula will search for the minimum value and show 60.



# A tibble: 4 × 5
  Name                     sex     age height weight
  <chr>                    <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 A Dijiang                M        24    180     80
2 A Lamusi                 M        23    170     60
3 Christine Jacoba Aaftink F        21    185     82
4 Per Knut Aaland          M        31    188     75
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  Name                     country     
  <chr>                    <chr>       
1 A Dijiang                China       
2 A Lamusi                 Ghana       
3 Christine Jacoba Aaftink Zimbabwe    
4 Per Knut Aaland          South Africa
5 Bongani                  USA